Warning: long post. Mostly pictures.
My best friend Leah and her family came from Tennessee this past week and stayed with us. I just wanted to share some of the things we did.
On Tuesday, we did a lot. We started the day off at the Salt Lake City Cemetery. This is where lots of prophets are buried. I only took a few pictures because there where so many. It was amazing to go there and see their graves. I had been there before but didn't know who these amazing men where. Now that I am an active member of the church, I now know who they are.

This is Wilford Woodruff's.
He was the 4th president of the church. He is one of my favorites. He kept a journal everyday since he became a member of the church. That is how we have a lot of our church history, thanks to him.

This is John Taylor's.
He was president right before Wilford Woodruff. He was present during the martyrdom of Joesph Smith. He was injured but he lived.

Here is our last beloved prophet, Gorden B. Hinckley's.
I had a hard time with his passing. He was the first prophet I came to know as a prophet. I know now that President Thomas S. Monson is our prophet. I love that man!
My friend, Melissa had joined us too that day. That is who is in the picture with me.

I loved David O. Mckay's. I thought it was so simple but beautiful.

I had to get a picture of Evan, Leah's husband with his favorite prophet, Spencer W. Kimball.

Orson Pratt's.
He was an apostle to Joesph Smith. Amazing!
Next we went to tour the conference center.

They are getting ready to celebrate the new Oaker Mountain Temple, that is now getting ready to open soon.

Picture of the cute family in the conference seats.

This is on top of the conference center. It is so neat because they planted trees and shrubbery on top of the center. It is suposed to look like how Utah looked to the pioneers when they first came into the Salt Lake Valley.

What is Ayla looking at?

Well, the Salt Lake Temple!
This is the view from inside the top of the conference center. That was where we went next.

Ayla and I on the temple stairs.

At the doors.

Look at the size of those doors to Ayla. She is so small. I love it.

Ayla is really starting to love flowers.
These flowers are right in front of the temple.

Ayla and Noah were having fun running around, being free from their strollers.

We took a lot of pictures of Ayla and Noah in this corner but this was the best one that I got. I think it is so cute.

And of course, the Wampler family!
We then went to the Joesph Smith Memorial building.

Evan and Noah next to the large Joesph Smith statue inside.
We then ate lunch at the Lion House. Yummy, Yummy rolls!
On Wednesday, we went to visit Ann.
Me, Ann and Leah.
We all became friends from working at the airport together. I am grateful I worked there. These two women are two of my closest friends.

Down in Ann's basement, she has this kid swing.
It was Ayla's first time in a swing like this.

It was the cutest. She was laughing and giggling and saying "Weee!" So cute! I love moments like that!
On Friday, we went to This is the Place monument park. I had never been there before. I loved it. I want to go back with Kurt.

That is a replica of the Huntsman's Hotel in the back. We went and got a little bite to eat there.

Ayla loved playing on the stairs in the Huntsman's Hotel. She got really dirty.

That is a replica of Heber C. Kimball's house in the back. Isn't it beautiful?
Notice that Ayla is asleep? It was her nap time. Also notice I am wearing the same outfit I wore on Tuesday. I washed my laundry, I swear! LOL!!

Here I am petting an adorable little baby goat. I wished Ayla would have been awake for this part of it. Oh well!!

This was one of Brigham Young's farm homes. It was really pretty.
I really enjoyed This is the Place. I want to go back.
I took some final pictures of Ayla and Noah the last night they were here. Both of them are in Ayla's crib right before bedtime.

Ayla had a lot of fun with Noah.

She loves him.

Well that's it. No more pictures. At least that is what it looks like Noah is saying in this picture. But for real, that is all floks. This is the end of the post. The Wamplers went home the next day. I really enjoyed having them here. I miss them already. I guess it is our turn again to go to Tennessee.