Monday, December 7, 2009

Ayla turned 21 months!

This post is long over due. Ayla turned 21 months a week and a half ago. I have a lot of catching up to do with blogging. Oh well, here goes Ayla's 21 month post:

I took some pictures of Ayla 4 days after she turned 21 months on her slide. Kurt brought the slide in from outside. Like I have said before, Kurt is a fun dad. Anyway, I got some cute pictures of her on the slide and I couldn't choose which one to share. So I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. These are her 21 month old pictures.

My sweet little cutie is now 22 pounds and 33 inches tall. She has gained a pound and grown an inch taller. She is just growing up too fast. 

I want to share some of the things she started doing in her 20th month.

She has this book called "Good Night Gorilla." All through the book the characters are saying good night. It is really a cute book and Ayla loves it.

Well, what she started to do was flip through the book and points to the quotes and says, "Night, Night." It is so cute. She is so smart.

She likes to help us out with the dishes. She likes to even dry them.

Then she hands them to us. She loves to help in any way she can. She is quite the little helper.

Other things she has done in her 20th month:

She started to go to Nursery at church all on her own. She doesn't even cry. I just had to get her used to the leaders. She does great. She also tries to clean the whole time she is in Nursery. Like I said, she is quite the little helper.

She is really picking up on talking. My favorite things she has learned to say is her Aunt Marions name. She says, "May, may." So cute and my sister loves it.

She will scream, "Grandpa" when ever the door bell rings. My dad comes over for lunch a lot on his lunch breaks. So now when anyone comes to our door, Ayla thinks it is Grandpa.

One of the sweetest things she did last month was, I was on the floor in pain from a cramp in my leg and arm. Ayla could tell that I was in pain and so she came up, stood beside me, started
 rubbing my back and then kept asking, "You alright?" It was so cute, it almost took the pain away. I had to take Alieve for that. Now every time I'm in pain, she asks me if I'm alright.

She is at such a fun age right now. I'm lovin' every minute!


The Hartle's said...

I love it! Ayla gets cuter everyday! Funny thing is that Mags insists on helping me empty the dishwasher too, its so fun!

Ann Marie said...

We love Goodnight Gorilla! :)

She is growing up so fast.. I agree.. this is a fun age.. but also a naughty one for me. Just this morning.. Mary threw a fit of her life over a toy.. she was yelling MINE! I hate it.. they learn such wonderful things in Nursery..

It's a good thing the naughty is out-weighed by the cute!??

TLC said...

Oh how sweet she's talking more! Those pictures are so sweet!

And I'm so glad to hear she adapted to nursery. And that she came and asked "you alright?"

To sweet!

She is becoming such the little lady and I cant wait to see her soon!

Debi (Dubs2007) said...

My baby is 21 months old now too - Her favorite book is goodnight gorilla too - and did you know there is a balloon on every page? So every page she finds it - it adds just a little to the Goodnight. Her favorite phrase right now is "Its hard moom". she comes up and tells me that when she wants help. I LOVE this age....