Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ayla working out with her Dad!

We have the workout game named, "EA Sports" on the playstation. Kurt likes to workout to it and Ayla loves to join him. She even sometimes asks her Dad if they can go and play the workout game.

You wear straps around 2 arms and one around your upper leg. Ayla wears the second pair (that is my set.) Kurt doesn't turn hers on but she loves to fill like she is playing the game. She watches the screen and copies what you are supposed to be doing. In the picture above they are punching. Kurt at the moment doesn't have his jab out but I love how Ayla has her hand out! That is her jab!

Here they are doing some ab work!

A reverse curl!
Good job Ayla!

Doing push ups!

So cute!

I love how the share the strap because our other one broke!

Stretching out the arms!

Stretching out the legs!

Other cute things Ayla has been up to...

I have let her finger paint!

Believe it or not but there is an actual sheet of paper under the purple and orange!

She loves to memorize books and act like she is reading them. In the picture above she was reading, "Horton Sits on an Egg" to Kermit. It was so cute to walk in and see her reading to him!

She has been having a lot of fun with her Dad and her toy cupcakes!
Not to mention that her Dad is such a fun Dad!

I love that she put her "Crocs' on her "1st Birthday Dog" and then put him inside a box! Not to mention that the "Crocs" are on the wrong feet!

The other day I let Ayla have my camera to take pictures. I was busy doing something but I could hear her walking around giggling as she took pictures. I wanted to share some of my favorite pictures she took that day.

Our "Napoleon Dynamite," "Skills" magnet that my really good friend, Leah (who lives in Tennessee) gave us! I also love that you can see a part of one of Ayla's drawings in the lower corner!

It is the simple things that make us happy!

I don't have to say anything about this one!

Or this one, except, I think the paper will need to be changed soon!

A door knob!

I love this one because it is a picture of the pregnancy journal that I have been writing in! I let Ayla color the pictures and let her try to write to the baby as well. I have been trying to get Ayla excited and involved in her little sister, who will be coming soon! I had the exact same journal when I was pregnant with Ayla. It is awesome, It tells you day to day what is going on with your baby and it has you record certain things and it leaves room for you to write your feelings or experiences!

I just love my little girl!


CB said...

Those are cute pictures. She is getting so big!!
I love that Ayla and her dad have fun workouts together - tooo adorable!

Ann Marie said...


Mary also works out with me.
Goes to the bathroom with me.
Cooks with me....And etc.

I need to get a few photos.. because I know I will miss it one day.... I think.. :)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

She is going to be a wonderful big sister!

She's so cute. You have to be thrilled about the toilet thing! Yay!

Connie said...

She's so focused while exercising! Too cute. I love looking at the pictures my grand kids take on their own. She has a good eye for photography.
I think she's doing more than "finger" painting! What an artist.